Myers is founder, CEO and Chief Scientist of Environmental Health Sciences. He holds a doctorate in the biological sciences from UC Berkeley and a BA from Reed College. For a dozen years beginning in 1990, Myers served as Director of the W. Alton Jones Foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Along with co-authors Dr. Theo Colborn and Dianne Dumanoski, Myers wrote Our Stolen Future, a 1996 book that explores the scientific basis for how contamination threatens fetal development.
Myers has chaired the board of the Science Communication Network since its founding in 2003 and also serves as board chair of the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment. He is a trustee of the Jenifer Altman Foundation. Until its merger with Pew Charitable Trusts in late 2007, he was Board Chair of the National Environmental Trust. He also has served as Board President of the Consultative Group on Biological Diversity, an association of 40+ foundations supporting work on biodiversity, climate, energy and environmental health. In 2013 Myers was awarded the $50,000 Frank Hatch “Sparkplug” Award for Enlightened Public Service by The John Merck Fund.